“花园工厂”式工业旅游线路主要包蓝豹品牌展厅Show Room、热带植物园(花园工厂入口)、生产厂区、游客中心、蓝豹奥莱旗舰店等地方。在这里可以了解“好工、好料、好线条”的手作西服工艺,体会商务文化特色,了解一件西服的制作流程,现场教学现代着装社交礼仪等内容。
Lampo Garden Plant
The “garden plant” type industrial tourist route mainly includes the Lampo Brand Show Room, Tropical Botanical Garden (garden plant entrance), the production area, the visitor center, Lampo Outlets Flagship Store, and other places. Here you can learn about the handmade suit craft with “fine craftsmanship, high-quality materials, and good lines”, experience the characteristics of business culture, learn about the production process of a suit, and take a lecture on the modern dress and social etiquette manners.