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Expats invited to get close-up view of Hongze
来源:Hello Jiangsu   2023-07-25 15:13:00

7月20日至21日,由江苏省人民政府新闻办公室、江苏省人民政府外事办公室主办的2023“发现江苏·走进‘生态福地 精致湖城’”活动在淮安市洪泽区举行。Expats in east China's Jiangsu province were invited to get a close-up view of Hongze District, Huai'an City last week, in an international publicity project, Discover Jiangsu: Approach Ecological Paradise and Exquisite Lake City.

在为期两天的文化之旅中,来自利比里亚、越南、马来西亚、哈萨克斯坦等国家的外籍友人,参访了江苏悦丰晶瓷科技有限公司、西顺河镇张福河村洪泽湖湿地、王骆殿岛“最美渔村”、江苏国瑞绿色食品有限公司等地,行走新时代鱼米之乡,领略生态底色绘就的绿色发展画卷。During the two-day event, 12 foreign friends from Liberia, Vietnam, Malaysia, Kazakhstan, and other countries visited the Hongze District of Huai'an to experience history, ecology, and culture.

泛舟白马湖上,风掠耳畔,碧波万顷。当船驶入藕花深处,“接天莲叶无穷碧,映日荷花别样红”的诗中美景近在眼前。赏荷花,采莲蓬,外籍友人们乐在其中,不停按下相机快门留念,纷纷直呼“太美了”。As the ship sailed into the depths of lotus flowers, the beautiful scenery attracted the expats who were busy taking photos.继续向湖中行,便来到了白马湖99座岛中最大的王骆殿岛。漫步岛上,整洁的“彩虹马路”两旁坐落着数十户渔家小院,院后菜地绿意盎然,院前湖面波光粼粼。Continuing to sail towards the lake, expats arrived at Wangluodian Island, the largest of the 99 islands in Baima Lake, with dozens of small fishing cottages located on both sides.王骆殿岛常住人口约160人,村民世代以捕鱼、养鱼维生。2010年起,白马湖实施退养还湖工程,这个曾经“只见围网不见湖面”的传统渔村,由水产养殖向生态旅游转型,华丽蜕变为“最美渔村”,2023年获评江苏省特色田园乡村。With a permanent population of about 160 people, Wangluodian Island has been inhabited by villagers who earned their living by fishing and raising fish for generations. Since 2010, with the launch of the project to return aquaculture to the lake, this traditional fishing village has transformed from aquaculture to ecotourism, becoming the most beautiful fishing village and in 2023 was rated as a characteristic pastoral rural area in Jiangsu.

生态优先,绿色发展,同样的改变也发生在西顺河镇张福河村。洪泽湖畔,外籍友人们赏湿地美景,品洪泽美蟹,体验到地道的渔村风情。In Zhangfuhe Village, Xishunhe Town beside Hongze Lake, the expats enjoyed the beautiful wetland scenery, tasted Hongze crabs, and experienced the folk customs of the fishing village.

环境越来越美,日子越过越好。在岔河镇花海康居新型农村社区,外籍友人们更加直观地感受到村民生活的“幸福升级”。一幢幢二层农家小楼错落有致,青瓦白墙保留着水乡特色。在村民的邀请下,外籍友人们入户参观。介绍起自己的新家,村民脸上笑容难掩。In a new rural community in Chahe Town, the expats felt the "happiness upgrade" of the villagers' lives. The small farmhouses are well arranged, with green tiles and white walls retaining the characteristics of a water town. The villagers had smiles on their faces when briefing the expats on their new homes.

"If you compare this with countries in Africa where I come from, it will be considered a middle-class structure. But in China, these structures, as beautiful as they are, are for people living in the village. That tells you that the government is really doing well in terms of poverty alleviation", said Seeton, Theophilus S, the audit manager of SAI-Liberia and a student at Nanjing Audit University.利比里亚最高审计机关审计经理、南京审计大学留学生邓西陆感叹道:“这样漂亮的建筑,在我的家乡非洲国家,会被认为是中产阶级家庭的住所。但在中国,它们修建在乡村,供村民居住。这说明政府在消除贫困改善民生方面确实做得很好。”

马来西亚平面设计师李谨全表示,“在中国,特别是江苏淮安洪泽这个地方,生态环境维护得挺好的,来到本地可以看到这么美的景色,体验当地的生活和文化,挺特别的。”"In China, especially in Hongze District, Huai'an City, Jiangsu Province, the ecological environment is well protected. We enjoyed a very beautiful view. Experiencing the local life and culture is a special experience", said Lee Jin Quan, a Malaysian graphic designer.

“发现江苏”是江苏省人民政府新闻办公室着力打造的采风采访体验活动品牌,旨在通过生活在苏外籍人士的独特视角来发现江苏的美丽、魅力,并借助这些“平民大使”向世界宣传、推介江苏。Launched by the Information Office of the Jiangsu Provincial People's Government, Discover Jiangsu is an interview experience activity aiming to discover the beauty and charm of Jiangsu through the unique perspective of expats living in Jiangsu so as to give full play to the role of these envoys to promote Jiangsu around the world.


