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专家解读:疫情期间应怎样在飞机上做好个人防护? How to protect yourself from COVID-19 onboard the aircraft
来源:english@jschina.com.cn   2020-03-27 17:16:00

An expert from the Jiangsu Center for Disease Control and Prevention has offered suggestions over self-protection onboard the aircraft amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

A passenger faces the risk of infection by a confirmed COVID-19 patient or an asymptomatic patient. But only passengers in the immediate vicinity, those within same row, and two rows in front and two rows behind, face the risk, which otherwise can be low to other passengers.

Illustration of air flow in airplane cabin. [Photo from WHO]

According to Zhu Tao, deputy director of the Flight Standards Department under the Civil Aviation Administration of China, air in cabin is replaced every 2-3 minutes and cabin ventilation systems are designed for vertical, not horizontal, air flow, which effectively reduces the risk of a virus spreading on a plane. The aircraft cabin ventilation system involves the cooling of air flow at 200 degrees, a process that can disinfect the air with such a high temperature. Meanwhile, most large aircraft are equipped with the high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters, which can facilitate the removal of a high percentage (97%-99%) of airborne particles, including microbe and virus.

Airline passengers are suggested to consider the following advices:

Prepare personal protective equipment such as masks, disposable gloves, alcohol or antiseptic wipes.

Try to wear a mask all through the flight and keep hands clean.

Take off and put the mask and glove in a plastic bag when dinning, clean the hands first, finish the food quickly, and then put on the new mask at the end.

Avoid touching the high-contact public surface such as door handle and handrail, or if you have to, please wash your hands timely and practice hand hygiene.

Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed or unclean hands.

Masks should not be used for longer than eight hours in total. It’s suggested to have more masks during the flight.

The expert also reminds passengers to comply with health checks when taking the public transport. People with fever or suspected symptoms should not board an aircraft or a train. People who have had a close contact with a confirmed COVID-19 case need to self-isolate for 14 days first before travelling.

Contact us at english@jschina.com.cn



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