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支持重大原始创新 强化科技成果转化 江苏加大“科技改革30条”落实力度 为夺取“双胜利”提供新动力 Jiangsu poised to boost scientific and technological prowess
来源:ourjiangsu.com   2020-04-10 14:30:00

East China’s Jiangsu province has unveiled its 30 policies for scientific and technological reform in a bid to build an independent and controllable technology system, focus on basic and cutting-edge research, and innovate the means of commercializing scientific and research findings so as to provide new impetus for the realization of this year's goals for epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development.

Compared with electrons, photons have faster transmission speed with lower loss and larger information capacity.

Academician Zhu Shining and his team has successfully manufactured the world's first quantum optical chip by carrying out basic research and exploration over more than ten years.

Zhu Shining, academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences, professor of physics, Nanjing University

Basic research is the source of high-tech

This kind of research may seem useless

just out of curiosity

But once its function discovers new principles

and new functions are used

it can have a disruptive effect on technology

Jiangsu pioneered a cutting-edge technology basic research project in 2019 in response to its 30 policies for scientific and technological reform.

The project aims at the world's technological frontiers by deploying 8 major basic research projects in a bid to support leading scientists to carry out long-term and high-risk original research, and strives to achieve major original breakthroughs from "0" to "1".

Zhu Shining’s team received 20 million yuan in financial support.

The Frontier and Leading Technology Basic Research Project has undergone all-round reforms from project discovery, selection to funding and management.

The principal investigator is responsible for determining the research direction, setting research topics, hiring research team, arranging the use of funds so that scientific research leadership is truly handed over to researchers.

Zhu Shining, academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences, professor of physics, Nanjing University

Technological reform has given us more autonomy

and relieved our burdens

We can use this project

to support our research and development more quickly

enabling us to stay ahead

of the fierce international competition

While encouraging basic research and original innovation, the 30 policies for scientific and technological reform also strive to break through the bottleneck of commercializing scientific and research findings by making it clear that bonus on the revenue will be raised to 70% of the total income from the commercialization if the research findings are commercialized in the province.

Ding Yi, Professor, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Nanjing University of Technology

Our university encourages

the scientific research team

to register discipline-based company

with the university holding 10% of the stock

and the scientific research team holding 90%

so that most of the rights

are given to the scientific research team

Liu Xuedong, Dean, School of Energy and Chemical Equipment Research, Changzhou University

The most important thing is to stimulate

the enthusiasm of scientific research personnel

so that the research findings

can be commercialized

to produce social and economic benefits

This year, Jiangsu will implement cutting-edge technology basic research projects by tapping into the national Science and Technology Innovation 2030-Major Project, the National Science and Technology Major Project and the National Key R & D Program in the hope of achieving a number of major original achievements.

The province will also strive to take the lead in achieving breakthroughs in key superior areas by organizing the implementation of about 170 key core technology research and development projects and major scientific and technological achievements transformation projects.


