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苏州志愿者携手抗击疫情 Volunteers in Suzhou Join Hands to Fight against the Epidemic
来源:iSuzhou   2020-02-16 16:42:00



Wehave been experiencing “a period of restrictions”

since the outbreak of COVID-19


Thanks to this special period

we come to take notice of those

‘lights in our lives’

which we have ignored and got used to for long



The light can be the delivery guy

who said “Enjoy your food”

even if they are out of breath

or those community workers

who repeatedly told you to “Stay at home”

or those foreign friends

who joined the front line of

fighting against the epidemic

| 据统计目前在苏州的常住外籍人口超过2万人他们中既有留学生,也有来苏州工作、创业的人

Suzhou is home to over 20,000 expatriates

Some are international students

and some come to work and live here.





They may not share the same coloridentity, profession or nationalitybut their enthusiasm and lovehave bridged over the national boundaries

and finally gathered in Suzhou, China

their second hometown


01Foreign friends in Suzhou are also one of us


Wu Jiayiis a volunteer from Hudong Community inSIP. The first thing Wu would do every morning is to turn on her laptop and collect updated information on theepidemic to the foreigners.

| 苏州工业园区是江苏外籍人口密度最高的地区之一,截至2019年底,已有办理工作许可的外国人4322人,其中A类外国高端人才1675人,占比达38.76%。

|Suzhou Industrial Park remains one of the regions in Jiangsu withthe highest population of expatriates. As of the end of 2019, the number of expatriates with Work Permit reached 4322. Among them, 1675 are high-level foreign talents, accounting for 38.76%.


Expatriates are also in urgent need of information on epidemic prevention and control since the outbreak.


Hudong Community in SIP soon realized this urgent need and put into practice their multilingual skillsand spread through new media such as WeChat to help expatriates living in SIP timely get the knowledge related to the epidemic.


They are currently developing a mini program to facilitate the record and monitoring of the body temperature who enter and leave the community. There will be an English version available for expatriates’ convenience.


Certainly it’s not the only case.


Teachers and students of SFL of Soochow University also took immediate action by forming a volunteer translation team, with over 100 members.


Making good use of their professionalism, members of the team voluntarily collected information on over 100 fever clinics and other medical institutions and provided online consulting servicein Chinese, English, French, German, Russian, Japanese, Korean and Spanish.


Volunteers also set up WeChat groups in 7 languages. Expatriates can join the group by scanning QR code and the volunteers will be there to help solve their problems. Over 500 expatriates joined the groups so far.



“Foreign friends living in Suzhou are also one of us. At the very beginning of the outbreak, many of them had no idea what to do. Our volunteers would translate related information for them and help them contact the missions if necessary”, said associate professor Wang Ding, initiator of the volunteer team of Soochow University.


02 Suzhou is our second home. We want to contribute


As the epidemic situation became severe, Xujiabang Bei’ercun started to carry out closed-off management. Volunteers in red uniform would stand at the entrance of community to check the vehicles and people on by one. Among those volunteers, Daniel from Italy was the most ‘special’ one.



“Please come to take your body temperature”

“Would you please tell which building you are going?"


Wearing face mask and cap, speaking fluent Mandarin. Many residents didn’t notice the guy who checked them is from Italy.



Daniel has been in China for five or six years and he has a deep feeling for Suzhou. “Suzhou is my second home.”, said Daniel, “Suzhou embraced me with its energy and enthusiasm when I felt lonely and helpless. Now I think it’s my turn to do something for the city.”


Since the company he worked in hasn’t resumed its work, Daniel voluntarily get himself registered as he noticed the proposal posted by community. In addition to checking people who enter and exit the community, Daniel also volunteered in community patrols, and sometimes he would help deliver the take-out or package for residents who are kept in home quarantine. Staff of Xujiabang community all appreciated his conscientious work.


LikeDaniel,Bethany Sootheran and Jeff Sootheran, an American couple from New York State, also joined the front line of fighting against the epidemic.


Since the outbreak of COVID-19, the Sootheran family are worried about them and hoped they could return to America,but Bethany and her husband decided to stay in Suzhou after a serious consideration.


“Suzhou is our second home. Many Chinese friends here are like family to us. They helped and supported selflessly, so we decided to stay to make our own contributions.”


Bethany and Jeff volunteered in the local epidemic prevention and control team. They help check people returning to Suzhou, spread related knowledge and deliver food to community residents. Besides, they keep up communicating with other expatriates living in the community since the end of January.


Apart from the efforts above, Bethany and Jeff also stayed in touch with their friends abroad to help relieve the shortage of medical supplies in Suzhou. It was days ago when Jeff and his friends sent a box of disinfectant to Chengbang community in spite of the rain.


“Jeff’s cap was all wet when he came.”, said Yin Jing, Secretary of Chengbang community. Bethany and Jeff have been friends with Yin for many years.


03 Support Wuhan, Support China

疫情发生后,苏州市文明办、市志愿者总会及时发出倡议,动员全市广大志愿者和新时代文明实践中心、所、站,在确保防护安全的情况下,多种形式投入战疫志愿服务中。截至2月15日,全市共组织开展防疫志愿服务活动4万余场,共计参与志愿服务60余万人。他们心里装着的不止苏州,还有武汉,更有中国。Since the outbreak of COVID-19, Civilization Office of Suzhou Municipal Government and Suzhou Volunteers Association took immediate action to call on volunteers and staff of New Era Civilization Practice Center to join the battle against the epidemic in many ways.As of Feb. 15, Suzhou has organized more than 40,000 volunteering activities and a total of 600,000 volunteers rendered their services.


The volunteer translation team initiated by School of Foreign Languages of Soochow University has been busier than before. Apart from the construction and maintenance of multilingual web pages,volunteers also collected information on aid supplies from Japan, Vietnam and Ukraine and helped determine whether the supplies matched domestic standard for medical appliances.



“With the help of Western Returned Scholars Association, more and more people came to notice the website”, said Zhu Sujing, Deputy Dean of School of Foreign Languages of Soochow University, “Online diagnosis will greatly reduce the risk of cross infection. Though we can’t fight against the epidemic together with medical workers in hospital, we can make our own contributions by putting into practice our professionalism in languages.”


Goran Martinovic, the “Philanthropic Boxer” from Croatia, is as busy as Suzhounese.As the COVID-19 continued to spread,Goran came to know that many hospitals in Wuhan are in shortage of medical mask. He contacted with his friends to buy medical masks throughout Europe.At first, he paid for his friends to buy 50,000 medial masks in Croatia, but Goran didn’t expect it was in short supply there either. Goran contacted with friends from neighboring countries trying to buy the masks. They made online phone call again and again and finally purchased 20,000 masks. That cost Goran two-month salaries.


Except for medical masks, Goran wants to do more to support the front line in Wuhan. His Chinese friends all said they feel Goran’s true love to China.


Stories of those volunteers deeply moved us.


All the things the volunteers have done will build up our confidence and power to win the battle against COVID-19. Love wins!

标签:Wu;Jiayi; ;outbreak;expatriates

