编者按:2020年开年以来,新冠病毒疫情牵动着全球人民的心。在中国疫情防控的关键时刻,世界各地国际友人心中有何感受,对武汉、对中国想说些什么?我苏网联合江苏国际频道推出“We Stand with YOU” (和你在一起)系列报道,倾听他们的心声。
昨天(2月19日)下午,南京大学新闻传播学院2016级和2017级传媒实验班的同学们在微信群收到了一份来自英国的“暖心视频”——这是斯特灵大学Damyan Kachulski与Grace Wang两位老师为同学们专门录制的。
On February 19, some students of School of Journalism and Communication of Nanjing University received a message from the UK. Damyan Kachulski and Grace Wang, teachers from the University of Stirling, sent their blessings to the students during the Covid-19 outbreak in China.
我苏网了解到,斯特灵大学(University of Stirling)是南京大学2016级、2017级传媒实验班学子展开海外访学的目的地,两个班级曾经在那里度过了三个月的新闻访学之旅。
The students were part of the media experimental project of Nanjing University. They have visited the University of Stirling and studied there for three months. Damyan Kachulski and Grace Wang were their teachers at that time.
视频中,Damyan Kachulski与Grace Wang两位老师关切地说,当得知江苏高校受到疫情影响还未开学,同学们无法到校上课时,便想尽自己所能帮助大家渡过这段特别的时期。
Damyan and Grace said in the video that after they learned that the students had to stay at home because of the epidemic, they thought they should do something to help the students get through this special period.
Grace Wang老师关心同学们的方式也很暖。她说,在家正式提高厨艺的好机会!自己十分乐意录制小视频教大家如何烤蛋糕,水果雕花,以及做一些简单的西式饭菜。
At the same time, the two teachers recalled their time spent with the students at the University of Stirling by some video clips, including learning in the classroom, visiting the BBC, preparing for model interviews, preparing for the China Week, traveling and cooking together.